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i dont like blog titles

So its working now. Temporarily. I'm trying to use a blogger template that I got from a different website, and it's proving to be really finiky, and I don't know how to spell finiky. Any ways, I'm back finally. School life is really busy. Its pretty ridiculous, and that's for the people who actually do their work. For me its super-mega-ridiculous because I have gotten really behind. I've only actually turned in like 4 assignments this whole year on time. For all the other assignments I have gotten extensions, at a costly 10% off for each. Because The first ones were late, that meant less time for my next assignments, so those became late, and so on and so forth the process went. But I'm managing to barely survive. Next wed I have a group assignment for religious conversion on Jehovah's witnesses. And On Monday I have a 15-30 hour study of the book of Philippians due for hermeneutics, which was actually do this/last Monday.
Then I have a week to study before exams begin!!!! Wish me luck Stan and Michelle! I call you out because you are the only ones that know this blog exists besides Alycia, and she never reads them.So tell all you friends, cause. I'm lonely out here in blogging world.