Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Most Valuable Aspect of English: It gives me free time to blog

So. We did our presentation today. And uh. We winged it. The chick had a huge PowerPoint ready. And the guy had a handout ready. I had my mad wingin' it skills ready, and we blazed. So uh. I don't know how we did. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't good. Ne ways. Two weeks ago in religious conversion we had a guess speakers come in. I think their name was C.J. and Dawn Block. I remembered them from youth convention, and they were pretty sweet. They were awesome in class too.
Holy Crap. OK I'm sorry but I cant finish that thought. The funniest thing ever just happened one second ago. The teacher gave us some surveys that we had to fill out about the class for trinity. And the teacher had to leave the class while we did it. So after we were done we had to put them in a big manila envelope, and the kid next to me licked it all over and shut it. Then he decided that the teacher might want it open. So he opened it up again and left it on the desk. Then 1 minute later the teacher walked in, put the extra surveys in the envelope, and then RE-LICKED the envelope with the hugest over exaggerated licks to shut it, not knowing that 90 seconds earlier some kid had just licked it. The ENTIRE class started laughing with the hands over their faces, holding back their gut bursting laughter. So as he's putting it into the bag he says "what's so funny?" "is there something i should know" "Do i have spinach in my teeth?" Then the class just laughed even more as we told him, "no no, there is nothing ".
Anyways I'm totally missing out on notes so I have to go. Keep rockin' in the free world

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

So uh. Ok. Uhm Let's see what I can pull out here. Ok how about another miserable college slacker update. That hermeneutics project that was supposed to be turned in is still not turned in. I got another extension on it, that's another 5% down the drain. So uh. I only have one and a half questions done. out of 11. So I need to do that. Tomorrow I have religious conversion and me and two other people are supposed to do a PowerPoint presentation on JW's. We haven't got together once. Ony of my partners has power point, so I sent my information to her. And she said she is going to try and put a slide together. And hopefully we will be able to talk briefly tomorrow before class because we are each supposed to talk for about 7 minutes. So we are going to need to know what he have to say. Ne ways its ridiculous. But when that and the hermeneutics are done then all the work is done and I can focus on Final exams. But I really wish I could have it all done now so I can start studying. Next wed is summits Christmas banquet which is mandatory attendance. And if I don't go I will get a fine. How fun. So im not going to go anyways. I think a 25$ fine is cheaper then going out and buying dress shoes, dress shirt, and dress pants. Ne ways, adios. More later.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hardcore Penguin

uhm....the rave was last night buddy

Im a proud owner of Alienware.

Is that not a sweet computer or what? What's even sweeter is that I'm blogging right now from that computer.
That's right, I'm a proud owner of the alienware aurora m9700. I've actually had it since the middle of September, I guess I'm a little late with this. Lately I've been "awe-ing and oooh-ing" over my computer and figured Id let the world know. The story goes like this. I was about to start college and needed a laptop for class. Any old thing could have done, yes i know. But I knew that when I wasn't in school I would still need a computer, so I wanted to get something wicked awesome. My first thought was the 17" dell xps. But ever since Stefan's dad had an alienware sent to him to test, I've sorta had a little thing for them. Turns out my computer is the exact competitor of the dell xps. What opted me out of that one for this one is the uniqueness of it. And that still holds true as many many people in class have asked me, "hey what is that". I had connections through my buddies dad who is the "computer buyer" for UBC, and he said he could get me a deal on an xps. So i told him to check it out. As I waited and waited, in the mad rush to get a computer before school I went ahead and got the aurora seen here. The starting price was 1600 American. In fact It is advertised all over the Internet as a 4000 dollar computer. The sick part is, you can only get alienware direct from the company, IN MIAMI! So after taxes, shipping duty and transfer rate i dished out a clean $2500 flat for it. I ordered this puppy on short metal chain to keep it realistic. In fact this is the reason why I'm posting. Ive really be wishing I woulda spent a tad extra money, If I would have it would have been more memory.
Dual AMD Turion™ 64 Mobile ML34 1.8GHz 800MHz FSB 1MB L2 Cach processor
(minimum choice)
512MB Single Channel DDR SO-DIMM at 400MHz - 1 x 512MB
(opted for this instead of 1gig, regretting that now)
60GB Serial ATA 1.5Gb/s 5,400 RPM w/ NCQ & 8MB Cache
(who needs a hundred gigs anyway)
24x10x24 CD-RW Burner / 8X DVD Reader
(shoulda got the dvd burner, now im going to end up buying an external)
256MB NVidia® GeForce™ Go 7900 GS video card
(to go duel video would have costs $450 more, now the extra video card is free on the christmas deal. sick dogger)

Well thats basically the gist of it.
It's not the same computer that is advertised everywhere on the inside (although its pretty darn close) but it's the same wicked awsome computer on the out side.

Btw. When I got the quote for the xps i was glad i opted for alienware. It was $3000 bucks! and that was with the deal, but that was after it was slammed with every upgrade possible. So it would have actually been more powerful and fast and yadyadayada. But i prefer mine.

check it out:<br>

Stupid Mozilla

We'll I've been pretty contented with firefox since I've downloaded it. But now its making my blog go funny. Explorer works fabulous. But on firefox my blog has no images, or frames. Its just words. Which sucks, because most of the people I know use firefox. So. I don't know whether to just realise that the blog is working. And be contented and forget about the firefox people. But i don't want to do that because I really want everyone to be able to see it. And Also my Internet is set up to start with firefox. If I want to see my pretty blog I have to go find explorer in programs. oh, what a terrible day.

i dont like blog titles

So its working now. Temporarily. I'm trying to use a blogger template that I got from a different website, and it's proving to be really finiky, and I don't know how to spell finiky. Any ways, I'm back finally. School life is really busy. Its pretty ridiculous, and that's for the people who actually do their work. For me its super-mega-ridiculous because I have gotten really behind. I've only actually turned in like 4 assignments this whole year on time. For all the other assignments I have gotten extensions, at a costly 10% off for each. Because The first ones were late, that meant less time for my next assignments, so those became late, and so on and so forth the process went. But I'm managing to barely survive. Next wed I have a group assignment for religious conversion on Jehovah's witnesses. And On Monday I have a 15-30 hour study of the book of Philippians due for hermeneutics, which was actually do this/last Monday.
Then I have a week to study before exams begin!!!! Wish me luck Stan and Michelle! I call you out because you are the only ones that know this blog exists besides Alycia, and she never reads them.So tell all you friends, cause. I'm lonely out here in blogging world.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


my blogs not workin'....