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Most Valuable Aspect of English: It gives me free time to blog

So. We did our presentation today. And uh. We winged it. The chick had a huge PowerPoint ready. And the guy had a handout ready. I had my mad wingin' it skills ready, and we blazed. So uh. I don't know how we did. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't good. Ne ways. Two weeks ago in religious conversion we had a guess speakers come in. I think their name was C.J. and Dawn Block. I remembered them from youth convention, and they were pretty sweet. They were awesome in class too.
Holy Crap. OK I'm sorry but I cant finish that thought. The funniest thing ever just happened one second ago. The teacher gave us some surveys that we had to fill out about the class for trinity. And the teacher had to leave the class while we did it. So after we were done we had to put them in a big manila envelope, and the kid next to me licked it all over and shut it. Then he decided that the teacher might want it open. So he opened it up again and left it on the desk. Then 1 minute later the teacher walked in, put the extra surveys in the envelope, and then RE-LICKED the envelope with the hugest over exaggerated licks to shut it, not knowing that 90 seconds earlier some kid had just licked it. The ENTIRE class started laughing with the hands over their faces, holding back their gut bursting laughter. So as he's putting it into the bag he says "what's so funny?" "is there something i should know" "Do i have spinach in my teeth?" Then the class just laughed even more as we told him, "no no, there is nothing ".
Anyways I'm totally missing out on notes so I have to go. Keep rockin' in the free world