Sunday, January 7, 2007

hoppin hoolagin

Its been a long time! Thats ok though. So Its 2007 now and Im home from school. And Exams are over. And Christmas was a good break. And I got a wicked awsome remote control car from alycia and also for my birthday she got me a wicked awsome deck. Which is wicked awsome.
So its January and im looking for some full time work untill September until I go back to school. Oh yeah im not going back to school this semester. I do plan on going back in september even though I already dont want to, and I admit it is going to be hard to drag myself back to school after all this time off. Instead of paying to be stressed out and have to do alot of work. I am now going to BE paid to have no stress and not have to do homework. Its a brilliant switch.
Anyway, Taya, if you ever decide to visit here and read this, I am sorry that we didnt plan when to go out in Jan. But now that December is all overwith. Uhm,we can start thinking about it again. So yeah. uhm.
